Sort me this way


Given an array A consisting of integers of size N, you need to sort this array in non-decreasing order on the basis of the absolute value of the integers in the array. Print the sorted array to output then. Hint: Use quicksort to sort the given numbers\n\nInput:\n\nThe first line consists of a single integer N, the number of elements in the array. The next line consists of N space separated elements. No two elements in the array will have same absolute value.\n\nOutput:\n\nYou need to print the absolute sorted array. See the sample output for clarification.\n\nConstraints:\n\n1<=N<=10^5\n10^9<=A[i]<=10^9 \nA[i] is the i th element of the array.

“TESTCASE_1”: “10\n9 -10 -11 20 1 2 -3 4 -5 6\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n1 2 -3 4 -5 6 9 -10 -11 20”, “TESTCASE_2”: “10\n\n-905372717 954279408 531497782 552755670 144897683 539731202 -158669298 -691900066 889008512 215450287\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n144897683 -158669298 215450287 531497782 539731202 552755670 -691900066 889008512 -905372717 954279408”, “TESTCASE_3”: “100\n-960478381 -714850315 -772513777 -800616588 884325357 886610795 2155501 -232037830 -482141161 -266148849 -268212238 -663164637 838950321 691625069 -919182610 66634320 368049805 508619338 -534010975 -857928876 430071517 -489990278 -165483696 233741473 -815288875 820545540 355697922 63281873 -396945576 -156032897 143084260 753338230 709184553 -504213997 423709844 514048209 811715246 -138524728 726066592 -329856500 -724672873 477372930 486628567 127535387 -594447 904735030 -211268202 507329121 772547178 16164633 -78718693 755071085 -386767679 720149230 -118378364 359222440 52924120 775938381 -82282875 -128159531 892074753 79072378 -396000522 728828412 302977320 69837425 -127722236 272129950 -571020673 -479840536 -894801260 -532450272 -528174696 -339794416 916895123 545851243 -353364857 617345533 63841471 770429429 -943683339 -601031153 517691714 290928192 -717956633 630627774 462348054 -412999622 -176499402 306013023 73264334 754880751 329304238 175994567 423432931 464997201 -639207200 -143554548 -791705807 -950644003\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n-594447 2155501 16164633 52924120 63281873 63841471 66634320 69837425 73264334 -78718693 79072378 -82282875 -118378364 127535387 -127722236 -128159531 -138524728 143084260 -143554548 -156032897 -165483696 175994567 -176499402 -211268202 -232037830 233741473 -266148849 -268212238 272129950 290928192 302977320 306013023 329304238 -329856500 -339794416 -353364857 355697922 359222440 368049805 -386767679 -396000522 -396945576 -412999622 423432931 423709844 430071517 462348054 464997201 477372930 -479840536 -482141161 486628567 -489990278 -504213997 507329121 508619338 514048209 517691714 -528174696 -532450272 -534010975 545851243 -571020673 -601031153 617345533 630627774 -639207200 -663164637 691625069 709184553 -714850315 -717956633 720149230 -724672873 726066592 728828412 753338230 754880751 755071085 770429429 -772513777 772547178 775938381 -791705807 -800616588 811715246 -815288875 820545540 838950321 -857928876 884325357 886610795 892074753 -894801260 904735030 916895123 -919182610 -943683339 -950644003 -960478381”, “TESTCASE_4”: “0\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n0”, “TESTCASE_5”: “0\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n0


#include <stdio.h>
int Partition(int A[],int p,int r){
    int x,i,temp=0,j;
    x = abs(A[r]);
    i = p-1;
    for(j =p;j<r;j++){
        if(abs(A[j])<= x){
        i = i+1;
        temp = A[i];
        A[i] = A[j];
        A[j] = temp;
    int temp1=0;
    temp1 = A[i+1];
    A[i+1] = A[r];
    A[r] = temp1 ;
    return i+1 ;
void QuickSort(int A[],int p,int r){
    int q=0;
        q = Partition(A,p,r);
int main(){
    int n,i ;
    int a[n];
    for(i =0;i<n;i++)
    for(i =0;i<n;i++)
        printf("%d ",a[i]);
 return 0;   

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