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Input a stream of characters (characters are received one by one), write a function that prints Yes if a character makes the complete string palindrome, else prints No.

“TESTCASE_1”: “aabaacaabaa\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\na Yes\na Yes\nb No\na No\na Yes\nc No\na No\na No\nb No\na No\na Yes”, “TESTCASE_2”: “abcba\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\na Yes\nb No\nc No\nb No\na Yes”, “TESTCASE_3”: “abccacbaa\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\na Yes\nb No\nc No\nc No\na No\nc No\nb No\na No\na No”, “TESTCASE_4”: “0\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n0”, “TESTCASE_5”: “0\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n0


// C program for online algorithm for palindrome checking
// d is the number of characters in input alphabet
#define d 256
// q is a prime number used for evaluating Rabin Karp's Rolling hash
#define q 103
void checkPalindromes(char str[])
    // Length of input string
    int N = strlen(str);
    // A single character is always a palindrome
    printf("%c Yes\n", str[0]);
    // Return if string has only one character
    if (N == 1) return;
    // Initialize first half reverse and second half for 
    // as firstr and second characters
    int firstr  = str[0] % q;
    int second = str[1] % q;
    int h = 1, i, j;
    // Now check for palindromes from second character
    // onward
    for (i=1; i<N; i++)
        // If the hash values of 'firstr' and 'second' 
        // match, then only check individual characters
        if (firstr == second)
            /* Check if str[0..i] is palindrome using
               simple character by character match */
            for (j = 0; j < i/2; j++)
                if (str[j] != str[i-j])
            (j == i/2)?  printf("%c Yes\n", str[i]):
            printf("%c No\n", str[i]);
        else printf("%c No\n", str[i]);
        // Calculate hash values for next iteration.
        // Don't calculate hash for next characters if
        // this is the last character of string
        if (i != N-1)
            // If i is even (next i is odd) 
            if (i%2 == 0)
                // Add next character after first half at beginning 
                // of 'firstr'
                h = (h*d) % q;
                firstr  = (firstr + h*str[i/2])%q;
                // Add next character after second half at the end
                // of second half.
                second = (second*d + str[i+1])%q;
                // If next i is odd (next i is even) then we
                // need not to change firstr, we need to remove
                // first character of second and append a
                // character to it.
                second = (d*(second + q - str[(i+1)/2]*h)%q
                          + str[i+1])%q;
/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
    char txt[20];
    return 0;
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