Monk and Rotation


Monk loves to preform different operations on arrays, and so being the principal of Hackerearth School, he assigned a task to his new student Mishki. Mishki will be provided with an integer array A of size \nN and an integer K , where she needs to rotate the array in the right direction by K steps and then print the resultant array. As she is new to the school, please help her to complete the task.\n\nInput:\nThe first line will consists of one integer T denoting the number of test cases. \nFor each test case:\n1) The first line consists of two integers N and K, N being the number of elements in the array and K denotes the number of steps of rotation.\n2) The next line consists of \nN space separated integers , denoting the elements of the array A.\nOutput:\nPrint the required array.\n\nConstraints:\n1N10^5\n0K10^6\n0A[i]10^6.

“TESTCASE_1”: “1\n5 2\n1 2 3 4 5\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n4 5 1 2 3”, “TESTCASE_2”: “1\n5 3\n1 2 3 4 5\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n3 4 5 1 2”, “TESTCASE_3”: “2\n7 2\n11 39 43 49 51 60 33\n3 2\n1 101 201\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n60 33 11 39 43 49 51 \n101 201 1”, “TESTCASE_4”: “1\n7 0\n11 39 43 49 51 60 33\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n11 39 43 49 51 60 33”, “TESTCASE_5”: “0\n###—###SEPERATOR—###—\n0


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <memory.h>
    typedef struct {	
    	int K ;
    	int N ;
    	int* A ;
    } StrArr ;
    void rotandprint(StrArr strA)
    	int i,j,l1 ;
    	if(strA.N > strA.K)
    	  j=strA.N-strA.K ;
    	  l1 = (strA.K % strA.N)  ;
    	  j=strA.N-l1 ;
    			printf("%d ",strA.A[i]) ; 
    			printf("%d ",strA.A[i]) ; 
    	putchar('\n') ; 
    int main(int argc, char** argv)
      int T,i,j,isz, csz ;
      char tmp[15], c='Z', *l ;
      StrArr strA ;
      isz=sizeof(int) ;
      csz = sizeof(char) ;
      scanf("%d",&T) ;
    	  scanf("%d %d",&(strA.N),&(strA.K)) ;
      	  strA.A = malloc(isz*(strA.N)) ;	
    	  l=tmp ;
    	  memset(tmp,0,15) ;
    	  for(j=0 ; j < strA.N  ; ) 
    	   	  c = getchar() ;
    		  if(c!=' ' && c!='\n' && c>-1)
    			*l=c ;
    			l+=csz ;
    		    if(l==tmp) continue ;
    			*((strA.A)+j) = atoi(tmp) ;
    			memset(tmp,0,15) ;
    			l=tmp ;
    			j++ ;			
    	  rotandprint(strA) ;
    	  free(strA.A) ;
      return 0 ;
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