Count BST subtrees that lie in given range


Given a Binary Search Tree (BST) of integer values and a range [low, high], return count of nodes where all the nodes under that node (or subtree rooted with that node) lie in the given range.\n\nExamples:\n\nInput:\n 10\n / \\\n 5 50\n / / \\\n 1 40 100\nRange: [5, 45]\nOutput: 1 \nThere is only 1 node whose subtree is in the given range.\nThe node is 40 \n\n\nInput:\n 10\n / \\\n 5 50\n / / \\\n 1 40 100\nRange: [1, 45]\nOutput: 3 \nThere are three nodes whose subtree is in the given range.\nThe nodes are 1, 5 and 40.


using namespace std;
// A BST node
struct node
    int data;
    struct node* left, *right;
// A utility function to check if data of root is
// in range from low to high
bool inRange(node *root, int low, int high)
    return root->data >= low && root->data <= high;
// A recursive function to get count of nodes whose subtree
// is in range from low to hgih.  This function returns true
// if nodes in subtree rooted under 'root' are in range.
bool getCountUtil(node *root, int low, int high, int *count)
    // Base case
    if (root == NULL)
       return true;
    // Recur for left and right subtrees
    bool l = (root->left) ?  getCountUtil(root->left, low, high, count) : true;
    bool r = (root->right) ? getCountUtil(root->right, low, high, count) : true;
    // If both left and right subtrees are in range and current node
    // is also in range, then increment count and return true
    if (l && r && inRange(root, low, high))
       return true;
    return false;
// A wrapper over getCountUtil(). This function initializes count as 0
//  and calls getCountUtil()
int getCount(node *root, int low, int high)
    int count = 0;
    getCountUtil(root, low, high, &count);
    return count;
// Utility function to create new node
node *newNode(int data)
    node *temp = new node;
    temp->data  = data;
    temp->left  = temp->right = NULL;
    return (temp);
// Driver program
int main()
    // Let us construct the BST shown in the above figure
    node *root        = newNode(10);
    root->left        = newNode(5);
    root->right       = newNode(50);
    root->left->left  = newNode(1);
    root->right->left = newNode(40);
    root->right->right = newNode(100);
    int l = 5;
    int h = 45;
    cout << "Count of subtrees in [" << l << ", " << h << "] is " << getCount(root, l, h);
    return 0;
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